iOS manual instructions

Follow the instructions below to connect your iOS device to the Testbirds VPN for your tests.

  1. Open the iOS VPN settings: Settings > General > VPN.

iOS VPN configuration

  1. Click Add new VPN configuration.

iOS VPN configuration

  1. Configure the VPN profile for either L2TP or IKEv2:

  1. Pick VPN type IKEv2
  2. Server address:
  3. remote id:
  4. user authentication: Username
  5. Enter username and password received from BirdRobot

iOS VPN configuration

  1. Pick VPN type L2TP/IPSec PSK
  2. Server address:
  3. shared secret: Testbirds
  4. username: received from BirdRobot
  5. password: received from BirdRobot

iOS VPN configuration

  1. Connect to the VPN by checking the connection checkbox.

iOS VPN configuration

Download our app, connect to VPN even faster!